It’s a measure of the drastic changes in English attitudes towards kissing
in general and cheek-kissing in particular that what is now more and more considered
as an acceptable form of greeting would have raised eyebrows – even shocked
(especially between males) – three or four decades ago when it was mainly
confined to theatrical types whose off-stage lives were marked by a general
tendency to ostentatious affectation. On the French side of the Channel,
however, la bise, the cheek-kiss,
has long since been a common form of greeting.
Apart from special occasions
such as the New Year when, traditionally, at the stroke of midnight, even those
who are little more than strangers will let their hair down enough to kiss each
other on the cheek, faire la bise is
a friendlier, more informal way for men and women to greet each other than
shaking hands (hardly surprising with an act which forces you into such close
proximity with others that you can smell their make-up, after-shave and
sometimes even their breath) and, therefore, usually indulged in by those whose
degree of familiarity permits this. Unlike men who shake hands when they
encounter members of the same sex, women will cheek-kiss other women
(handshaking between women is formal and only resorted to when being introduced
on official occasions). The cheek-kiss is also common between men and women who
are on friendly terms, or simply because they’re close working colleagues or members
of the same sporting club or association. When we walk into the clubhouse of our
local golf club, for example, we systematically cheek-kiss all the women we know
(while shaking hands with the men). And we’ve even known a woman stranger
accompanying a friend to offer us her cheek (rather than more formally holding
out her hand) on being introduced. In France, however, there can be a
considerable gap between private and public behaviour - so you mustn’t be
surprised if the woman who readily offers you her cheek at the golf club simply
wishes you ‘bonjour’ in the High Street. And though in the past male cheek-kissing
took place only between close male relatives, i.e. brothers, fathers and sons
(and perhaps very close male friends), today there is a growing trend
among young French people (and even older ones) to use la bise on a
daily basis when greeting others of a similar age.
As far as the kissing technique
itself is concerned, the first question which springs to mind is which chop do
you begin with? Well, basically, that’s for participants to decide. Personally,
without really knowing why (perhaps it’s because we’re right-handed), we usually
go for the left one first, and when she realizes this, the lady usually
co-operates by holding it out. But, as with shaking hands, you can leave it to
her to take the initiative. And what do you do with your mits? While pulling
the lady towards you in an intimate hug would be going too far (the French
don’t really go in for hugging), placing your hand half way down her arm (or
even on her shoulder) would be a more natural accompaniment, and far more
acceptable than keeping them both rigidly stuck to your sides. And how many
times do you do it? Well, this is, in fact, a regional thing. Where we live,
thank goodness, we’ve never been witness to more than one on each. But,
depending on where you are, it can be once on one, once on the other, and then
back to the first for a second helping. And in some regions it’s a ritualistic two
on each.
What’s more, the word ‘kiss’ is more
often a misnomer. Rather than planting your lips on the cheeks of the other,
the technique usually consists in briefly rubbing your chops together, and at
the same time making a kissing movement with your lips. The result is that most
of the lip contact is with the surrounding air – though we do have a copain
who believes in firmly planting his lips on the cheeks of women he feels real
affection for. Wearers of spectacles or sunglasses should be careful as their
frames have been known to inflict nasty pokes in the eye. And, similarly, if
you’re sporting a cap with a long nib, you’ve got far more room for manoeuvre
if you take it off.
Anglo Saxons must also be aware
that in France cheek-kissing is a manifestation of friendly affection, and has
no sexual connotations. On the contrary, kissing on the lips is
indulged in by those sharing an intimate physical relationship (i.e. husband
and wife or homosexual partners), and never by male and female members of the
same family (i.e. brother and sister, or mother and son), as is sometimes the
case in Britain.
That romantic gesture of ‘old
school’ French gallantry, la baise-main, which consists in the male
bringing his lips into light, respectful contact with the back of a lady’s
outstretched hand is now less common in higher social and diplomatic circles –
though a former Président de la République (a reputed woman chaser) systematically
used it as a way of promoting the legendary French touch when welcoming foreign
lady heads of state. Though the hand-kiss is, apparently, still quite common in
Central and Eastern Europe, the French – in their everyday life, at least –
look upon it with affectionate amusement. And on the rare occasions when it is
used it is bestowed on the older, usually married woman.
In this respect, we remember one
particular occurrence some years ago when we went on a coach trip organized by
an association we were members of. Having set off well before dawn one Sunday
morning, we stopped for breakfast coffee and croissants at a motorway
café. Our driver parked his coach alongside a Polish truck. Now in France it’s
forbidden for heavy trucks to circulate on Sundays, and we couldn’t help
noticing that one of the two drivers, a young man (he must have been in his middle
twenties), had – even at this early hour – found no better way of whiling away
what was going to be a long, inactive day than by ingurgitating the contents of
a bottle of vodka. On seeing us step out of the coach, he leapt down from his
cabin (still clutching his bottle), and proceeded to bestow on each lady a
mockingly respectful hand-kiss the moment she’d placed a foot on the ground.
Not only did these middle-aged ladies find the gesture hilarious but, we suspect,
were secretly flattered by his attention – so much so that they readily consented
to a group photo being taken with our grinning young trucker in the middle.
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